Steinbach & Friends

Executive Coaching

Focusing for Business

Ein Mann mit Brille und kurzen, grauen Haaren sitzt auf einem Sessel und spricht gestikulierend mit dem Gegenüber.


Today’s managers operate in an extremely complex environment that is full of potential conflicts. Every day they are confronted with new challenges. At the same time, the pressure to implement planned projects quickly and smoothly is increasing. For this challenge, they need a stable emotional structure and a high level of stress resilience.

Personal coaching builds up these competencies promptly, sustainably and individually. Thus, a high degree of credibility and sovereignty can be reached. I achieve this by accompanying you to the real origin of your issue and clarifying it jointly. On this basis, we then build new competencies to act.

How I work

During a complimentary kick-off meeting, I analyze the current situation and we clarify the task. Together we decide the way of working and the goals.
Coaching takes place in form of face-to-face meetings, either in person, via internet-based video conferencing, or sometimes over the phone.
After about five coaching sessions, there is an interim review meeting and at the end a final review.

„If you're sitting in a hole,
the first thing you have to do is stop digging.“

- Tibetan proverb

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